Meet consumer demand for free-from additives by serving turkey raised with No Antibiotics Ever and on a 100% vegetarian diet with no animal by-products. These raw, skinless breast lobes are 4 - 5 pounds each to give the chef the ultimate versatility in preparation. Three breast lobes are placed in a bag, packed 2 bags per case. The turkey breasts are marinated with a 32% marination to impart a roasted flavor and enhance the overall moistness over extended hold time. Perfect for barbeque applications, center of the plate, carving stations, as well as premium sandwiches. Cook and serve, or for improved yield, hold refrigerated to be sliced and served the next day. Cooking instructions are added for your convenience. This turkey roast is Certified Gluten-Free. Our turkeys are hatched, raised and harvested in the USA with high standards of animal care on independent family farms.
Features & Benefits
- Meet the increasing demand for proteins raised responsibly and with no antibiotics ever
- Ready-to-cook for fast, easy preparation once fully thawed
- Skinless whole muscle breast lobes perfect for rotisserie cooking or smoking.
- Marinated to ensure natural flavor and improve hold time
- All of the flavor of roasting a whole turkey with less preparation and handling
- Frozen to eliminate most shelf life concerns and help manage inventory and costs
- Meet the needs of patrons who are gluten intolerant with proteins that are certified Gluten Free by the Gluten-Free Certification Organization