Meet consumer demand for free-from additives by serving turkey raised with No Antibiotics Ever and on a 100% vegetarian diet with no animal by-products. Enjoy the flavor, texture and aroma of freshly roasted turkey, without the added labor, time, and yield loss of a whole turkey. This boneless roast is made with 2-3 whole muscle breast lobes. Each roast is enhanced with 32% marination to give it an authentic roasted flavor. The roasts are packaged in a cook-in bag that captures the au jus and reduces cooking time by 1/3. Perfect for center of the plate, carving stations, and premium sandwiches. Cooking instructions are added for your convenience. This turkey roast is Certified Gluten-Free. Our turkeys are hatched, raised and harvested in the USA with high standards of animal care on independent family farms.
Features & Benefits
- Meet the increasing demand for proteins raised responsibly and with no antibiotics ever
- Ready-to-cook for fast, easy preparation once fully thawed
- Skin-on for a traditional turkey appearance with great eye appeal on buffet and carving stations
- Marinated to ensure natural flavor and improve hold time
- Cook-in-bag packaging eases preparation with reduced cooking time, and keeps meat tender and juicy
- Frozen to eliminate most shelf life concerns and help manage inventory and costs
- Meet the needs of patrons who are gluten intolerant with proteins that are certified Gluten Free by the Gluten-Free Certification Organization