Meet consumer demand for free-from additives by serving turkey raised with No Antibiotics Ever and on a 100% vegetarian diet with no animal by-products. Fully cooked turkey breast made with 3 boneless skinless breast lobes. Smoked with natural hickory smoke for that characteristic flavor. No binders are added for a more natural texture. This product is ideal for sandwiches, center of the plate, and salad applications. Our unique packaging eliminates the use of a knife to open the master case. Certified Gluten-Free. Our turkeys are hatched, raised and harvested in the USA with high standards of animal care on independent family farms.
Features & Benefits
- Meet the increasing demand for proteins raised responsibly and with no antibiotics ever
- Fully cooked and ready to use provides consistencey for your menu applications
- Premium quality 2-3 whole muscle breast lobes deliver superior taste and texture
- No added starches or binders makes this product ideal for carving or thick slicing
- Hickory smoke offers a visually appealing and flavorful product
- Grip-and-tear bag opens easily reducing risk of injury
- Meet the needs of patrons who are gluten