Meet consumer demand for free-from additives by serving turkey raised with No Antibiotics Ever and on a 100% vegetarian diet with no animal by-products. Fully cooked multi-piece turkey breast made with boneless skinless breast meat. Carrageenan is added to improve thin slicing and shaving performance. This skinless oven roasted turkey breast maximizes yield with no skin loss on the slicer. This product is ideal for both cost sensitive sandwiches and salad applications. Our unique packaging eliminates the use of a knife to open the master case. Certified Gluten-Free. Our turkeys are hatched, raised and harvested in the USA with high standards of animal care on independent family farms.
Features & Benefits
- Meet the increasing demand for proteins raised responsibly and with no antibiotics ever
- Fully cooked and ready to use provides consistencey for your menu applications
- Formulated for maximum sliceability for shaving
- Skinless for 100% yield
- Oven roasted turkey offers a great balance of quality and cost savings